SF State's Facility Services & American Campus Community (Manzanita Square) is responsible for providing high quality maintenance, repair and housekeeping services to the San Francisco State's housing community.

📧 Email | ManzanitaSquare@AmericanCampus.com
📞 Phone | Contact the RA on duty
🕗 Office Hours | Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

📧 Email | housingfacilities@sfsu.edu
📞 Phone | (415) 405-0579
🕗 Office Hours | Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. After Hours | Mon. - Sun., 5 p.m. - 11 p.m.
🧺 Washer or dryer issues | Submit a service request with CSC ServiceWorks
The University is respectful of your privacy and will limit entering your apartment or room to the following occasions:
- Your request or agreement
- Emergencies
- Health and safety inspections
- Management of applicable rules and regulations
- Inspection and cleaning when you or your roommate moves out
- Any lawful purpose
Tips to help keep your living space is free of pests:
- Store food properly and do not leave food out overnight.
- Rinse food from cans before placing them in your recycle bin.
- Don’t leave damp clothing or towels out.
- Keep your room and apartment clean.