Mail Services

Manzanita Mailboxes

Incoming mail


Residential Life provides mail and package distribution services for each residential community. For information on how your package and letter mail should be addressed as well as where to pick up your mail, visit the Residential Life website.

Outgoing mail


Residential community desks do not offer outgoing mail services and are unable to hold packages. Outgoing mail and packages will need to be sent by the Post Office or other package delivery service.

Post Office | 1543 Sloat Blvd.
FedEx Office | 1597 Sloat Blvd.
UPS | 1559 Sloat Blvd., Ste. B

Mail forwarding


University Housing is unable to forward mail, so be sure to change your address directly with the Post Office and all agencies that you receive mail from. You should also be sure to update your address with the University so that university related mail reaches you.