- Your keys are valuable and you should make every effort to keep them secure and in your possession at all times.
- For your safety, lock your doors at all times.
- It is a violation of your License Agreement to duplicate and/or distribute your keys to others.
If you lock yourself out of your apartment you may check out a temporary key from your community front desk for up to 30 minutes. If the temporary key is not returned to the desk within this timeframe, an automatic lock change may be initiated for security purposes and you will be charged a lock change fee.
Things to Know
- Resident Services staff must verify your identification and bedspace prior to providing you access to your space.
- When locked out, you will be assisted within a timeframe that is reasonably possible, but you may need to wait for available staff.
- Residents are provided ONE [1] courtesy lockout per academic year.
- If you have requested an excessive number of temporary keys, you and your roommate may be required to verify possession of your keys and a meeting with an Area/Residential Coordinator may be necessary due to the increased security risk. You may also be charged a $25 lockout assistance fee. Determination of this fee will be on a case-by-case basis.
Lost Keys & Lock Changes
If you lose your key(s), visit your community front desk to request a lock change. This is a mandatory action that will ensure the security of our community.
Lock change fee $50 | Additional key $5-50
Please Note: Fees are determined on a case-by-case basis and key cost varies by type.